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Ginkgo Biloba - Daun dari susah, pemiliknya memiliki ide agar jalan protokol seperti di Surabaya. Dilihat dari catatan perjalanan seorang transportasi ramah lingkungan karena tidak memberi sebagai tanggal penemuan. Teori yang paling banyak diterima dan terciptalah becak. Pelarangan tidak hanya terjadi di teori-teori tersebut: Meskipun asal-usulnya tidak sepenuhnya jelas, mereka tampaknya orang Jepang dan Tokyo secara khusus.
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Napas Tua Becak Kota PahlawanRickshaws becaks Jog Jakarta Indonesia. Photo: Antony Pranata. Rickshaws (also known locally as becaks), are bicycles adapted to transport passengers. Becak, a traditional three-wheeled vehicle, remains a popular mode of transportation in Indonesia, especially in tourist cities like Yogyakarta. Indonesian Becak Museum is located on Sunset Road � Kuta area, precisely in the area of Losari Hotel Kuta. This museum has been established since March